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Immune System




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The Immune System
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Our immune system keeps our body safe from diseases.
Its malfunctioning causes our body to get ill.
You can improve, strengthens and even to rehabilitate it by improving your life-style, taking of antioxidants and adaptogenic products.
I have rebuilt my immune system & recovered from Asthma with the help of Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero).
To understand how it works, I have researched the subject & you can read below about our immune system, the causes to it's malfunction, how to strengthen it.
As well about Ginseng (Eleuthero) types, and how it's healing qualities cause the remarkable change it makes .
Click to the price comparison for ordering Siberian Ginseng - Eleuthero
The Full Story – Read How it Works chick2
What is the immune system
The Immune System’s Malfunctions
The causes of the immune system malfunction
Illnesses attributed to the immune system malfunction
Strengthening of the immune system
Aids for the Rehabilitation of the Immune System
What is the immune system
The function of the immune system is to protect the body against the intrusion of foreign objects, for example – germs, viruses, allergenic, and even inside enemies such as cancer cells.
The immune system is designed to work like a well oiled machine, with a few branches – such as while cells – lymphocytes, antibodies, different proteins. On all of this a specific white cell is in charge – CD4 – which is in charge of the functions for the immune system.
When a foreign object enters our body, which is identified by the immune system as a threat, it is attacked by special phagocytes, and another part of the immune system produces antibodies against the enemy, which gets entered into the immune memory – and this is how we immune and prepare ourselves for the next attack.
While the materials are released, more white blood cells are recruited – this process is called infection.
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The Immune System’s Malfunctions
The immune system can react too powerfully, or too weakly.
  • A too powerful reaction – is the allergic reaction. It is an unexpected, unwanted reaction of the immune system to daily factors, which are harmless and even beneficial that should not arouse any reaction. It is an over-sensitivity of the immune system.
  • About 12-25% of the population tends to suffer from allergy and it is clearly hereditary.
The connection of the allergens to the antibodies on the surface of the mast cell causes histamine and other agents to be released, which cause increased mucous secretion, blood vessels expansion, contraction of respiratory ways, and Itchiness and rash – the symptoms of the allergic reaction.
The connection of the allergens to the antibodies on the surface of the mast cell causes histamine and other agents to be released, which cause increased mucous secretion, blood vessels expansion, contraction of respiratory ways, and Itchiness and rash – the symptoms of the allergic reaction.
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A too weak reaction – weakens our body’s ability to face the different diseases and increases the need for medication.
The causes of the immune system malfunction
  • Hereditary – birth defects
  • Unbalanced, synthetic and industrial diet
  • Our daily stress and anxiety situations
  • Lack of satisfactory sleep
  • Extended use of antibiotics
  • Environmental pollution such as – air pollution, sprayed substances, passive smoking
  • Smoking
  • Exposure to radiation – Microwave, cell phone etc.
Illnesses attributed to the immune system malfunction
Allergy, asthma, ear, throat and eye infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, add, cancer end more…
Strengthening of the Immune System
We are discussing a way of life that holds all the aspects of our life. If we choose it – our situation will improve and our immune system could also rehabilitate. The more we adopt these parameters, the better the situation will become. This is the basis that is important to keep.
However, since our daily race continues and there is no doubt that we can rehabilitate our immune system entirely on our own. It is also recommended to turn to other elements that help rehabilitate out immune system and other bodily systems.
Aids for the Rehabilitation of the Immune System
  • Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Echinacea, & Propolis are your body’s protection against harmful free radicals. Therefore, they are your protection from aging, sickness or infectious disease.
  • Adaptogenic products– products such as Ginseng (Eleuthero), with the qualities that enable to move from stimuli to relaxation of the different bodily functions – according to the body’s needs. They balance and normalize the physical and mental function of the body and help it adjust and cope with daily situations that would have hurt its function without it.
Adaptogenic plants affect the adrenal gland and improve the adrenal reaction to continuous stress situation.
stress situation – physical and mental – cause the exhaustion and wear of the adrenal gland, which causes a decrease in the body’s natural resistance, and is followed by its malfunctions = disease.
To order now Siberian ginseng (Eleuthero) form my favorite site in which you pay for 2 & get 3 more Free Click here for the results of the price comparison I did for ordering Siberian Ginseng - Eleuthero.
Personally I order - for me and all my family - in a site, which I warmly recommend, with an offer of "Buy 2 get 3 Free"!!!! or 1+1 with real low prices and very good quality products.

Click here and it will lead you directly to Ginseng (also known as Eleuthero- this is how is appears in the site) :Click here for recommendation for the best site to order Siberian Ginseng

2) The second site is a site I used to order before the above site. It is a very good site as well, British - with reasonable prices and good products.
Click for the direct link to the British site: My recommendation for a good site to order Siberian Ginseng

*** In case other drugs are being taken, consult a doctor before use.

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